Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association

In the September 2010 Badger Common’Tater

Here’s a taste of the September 2010 Badger Common’Tater. Like what you see? Then subscribe to the Badger Common’Tater for just $18.00 for one year, or $30.00 for two years. 

Spud Success at the Wisconsin State Fair.

Sharon Wysocki and a sample of Superiors about to be served.


The Wisconsin Potato Growers Auxiliary pulled off another spectacular promotion at the 2010 Wisconsin State Fair.  The WPGA sold 54,696 baked potatoes along with 1,580 cookbooks.  Total sales revenue came in at over $200,000.  For complete coverage of the Auxiliary’s State Fair experience, see the September 2010 issue of The Badger Common’Tater. 


The Challenges of Storing Suspect Potatoes

“Much of the 2010 crop has been exposed to multiple environmental stresses including multiple heavy rainfall events, high temperatures, and subsequent exposure to multiple storage pathogens. The result is a high likelihood that some of the potatoes placed into storage are going to be vulnerable to infections and decay or poor quality. What to do becomes the field and storage manager’s dilemma,” notes UW-Horticulturist Dr. A.J. Bussan. The condition of the potatoes coming from the field will dictate the approach to ventilation management in storage. The key is to create storage conditions that promote the health and quality of the potato crop and inhibit the development of potato diseases. Like this train of thought? Then subscribe to the Badger Common’Tater for more articles like this in the future.

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