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Positive Potato Publicity

There's nothing like lending a helping hand. Wisconsin potato growers give back.

Wisconsin potato growers appreciate being part of the community and giving back. Here’s a taste of our efforts!

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WPVGA Award Recipients

Hall of Fame Awards

2022 (Presented in 2023)
Randy VanHaren

2021 (Presented in 2022)
Paul Miller

2020 (Presented in 2021)
Marv Worzella
Norm Worzella

2019 (Presented in 2020)
Larry Alsum
Dick Okray

2018 (Presented in 2019)
Dr. Keith Kelling

WPVGA Industry Awards

2022 (Presented in 2023)
Young Grower: Nicola Carey
Volunteer: Doug Posthuma
Researcher: Dr. James Busse
Associate Business Person: Julie Cartwright
Agri-Communicator: Jordan Lamb
President’s Award: Anna Okray
Industry Appreciation: Julie Braun

2021 (Presented in 2022)
Young Grower: Wendy Alsum-Dykstra
Volunteer: J.D. Schroeder
Researcher: Amber Walker
Associate Business Person: Rich Wilcox
Agri-Communicator: Dan Mahoney
President’s Award: Jolene Guenthner
Industry Appreciation: Ann MacGuidwin, Doug Rouse, Dana Rady

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Positive Potato Publicity

Wisconsin Potato Salad

Charlie Berens and his mom share healthy and humorous banter ...

Most Varieties

Wisconsin is the 3rd largest potato-producing state, but also has ...

Economic Impact

Charlie Berens knows how impactful Wisconsin Agriculture is to the ...

Wisconsin Potato Nutrition and Buying Local

Charlie Berens has the latest on Wisconsin Potato nutrition and ...

Lower Carbon Footprint

Charlie Berens shares why it’s important to Buy Local and ...

Research and Sustainability

Science plays a huge role in getting Wisconsin Potatoes to ...


Agriculture is a very technologically-advanced industry. Isn’t it Charlie Berens? ...

New Spud in Town!

Well cripes alfrighty – there’s a new spud in town. ...

Thank you for Buying Wisconsin Potatoes!

Wisconsin farmers work hard to produce food for our family ...

Wisconsin Potatoes Power Performance!

Wisconsin Potatoes are perfect for preparing your body before and ...

WPVGA Presents “Harvesting Tax Benefits for Family Farms”

On October 22, WPVGA hosted and recorded a WebEx seminar ...

Wisconsin Senator Mike Gallagher Juggles Potatoes

The 2019 D.C. Fly-in brought some interesting smiles as the ...