Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association

Reminder to Submit Washwater Plans

The WPVGA wants to remind members of one of our annual Resolutions related to potato washwater.  Please see Resolution E1 below and submit your plan to the WPVGA so we can continue to protect our exempt status.


Resolution E1:
WHEREAS, there is no significant impact of potato washwater to the environment and therefore no need for WPDES regulation; and
WHEREAS, growers who wash fruit and vegetables are currently exempt from WPDES permitting through legislative action;
WHEREAS, the WPVGA has agreed to manage and keep the washwater plans for packing sheds for the DNR on file.
THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the WPVGA diligently protect our permit exempt status.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the WPVGA encourage all members to submit washwater plans to the DNR and the WPVGA office annually so that we can continue to protect our exempt status.

Tater Talk Past Issues

Volume 16, Issue 17 | April 26, 2024

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