Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association

AgroPermits for IoH and AgCMV Permits Management

AgroPermits is a software system that is being built to simplify the whole permitting process.  They are making excellent progress and are gearing to launch the system for public use by March 25, 2015.

An Excel template has been designed to simplify the data collection process and it is available to download for free on their website (www.agropermits.com).  This template will help you collect the weights and lengths data four times faster, reducing the time and effort needed to collect the data.  Even after reducing the weighing time by 80%, it can still take about 10 days to finish the weighing process if you have, for example, 10 tractors and 15 implements/trailers. They recommend that you start the weighing process as soon as possible using the Excel template. The template on their website does require you to use Excel 2007 or later.

Visit www.agropermits.com to learn more.

If you have any questions you can contact AgroPermits President, Madhu Jamallamudi at [email protected] or 870-200-9080.

Tater Talk Past Issues

Volume 16, Issue 17 | April 26, 2024

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