Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association

State Senate Okays New IoH Bill

Modifications to Wisconsin’s 2014 Implements of Husbandry law are another step closer to becoming enacted. On Tuesday, the State Senate approved Assembly Bill 113 by a voice vote. The measure makes more than 20 adjustments to the original IoH regulations, such as clarifying that implements with rubber tracks can legally operate on Wisconsin roadways; and authorizes an IoH or agricultural commercial motor vehicle with proper permits to cross any intersecting highways on the way to the field.

The Assembly passed an identical bill last week. Co-authors Sen. Jerry Petrowski of Marathon and Rep. Keith Ripp from Lodi say this follow-up bill is intended to clean-up noncontroversial, but necessary changes that address unforeseen issues that came up during implementation of the original IoH law.

Meanwhile, the new changes also give special axle weight exemptions to Category B planting, tillage, cultivating and harvesting equipment that was originally given to Ag-CMVs that directly distribute feed to livestock, or directly apply fertilizer, lime, spray or seeds to a farm field.

The bill now goes to Governor Walker, who is expected to sign it.

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Volume 16, Issue 17 | April 26, 2024

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