Wisconsin Healthy Grown®
Every one of our Wisconsin Healthy Grown® farms is certified by an independent oversight organization. They ensure our growers pass annual Wisconsin Healthy Grown Potatoes and Vegetables whole-farm audits, and that all our packers and shippers maintain the highest sustainability standards.

About Wisconsin Healthy Grown®
Two-thirds of U.S. land is privately-owned — and the majority of that land is used for agriculture. So we understand that what we do on our farms impacts the world around us.
That’s why, in the early 90’s, the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison began looking at ways to advance the industry’s conservation and sustainability standards. In 1996, WPVGA partnered with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and later joined forces with the International Crane Foundation (ICF), and the Defenders of Wildlife to establish the Wisconsin Eco-Potato partnership. The result was a new brand launched in 2002 and a sustainable standard for growing potatoes — Wisconsin Healthy Grown®.
Our Wisconsin Healthy Grown® sustainable farmers work with ecologists, conservationists and University of Wisconsin researchers to:
- Utilize and find better, less-invasive ways to manage pests and invasive plants
- Restore natural ecosystems
- Prevent erosion
- Support native plants and animals
- Conserve quality water
- Improve potato production
In 2016, the program expanded and began applying the Wisconsin Healthy Grown® standard to onions. Discussions are ongoing to broaden the program further and include additional crops in the near future.
For additional information on the program’s background, details on standard and implementation as well as updates, take a look at the following videos:

Wisconsin Healthy Grown®
POP Materials
Wisconsin Healthy Grown® Quarter‑Sized Bin
Quarter-sized bin with information about Wisconsin’s Healthy Grown program and its benefits, as well as the nutritional benefits potatoes naturally provide. Printed on four sides, the opportunities for in-store placement and cross promotion are endless!
Contact your potato supplier to order.
Wisconsin Healthy Grown® Kwik Lok Tags
Convenient for retailers and growers, Healthy Grown Kwik Lok tags communicate the Healthy Grown product on the bag without requiring retail stores to add another SKU.
Contact your potato supplier to order.

Wisconsin Healthy Grown®
Alsum Farms, Inc.
Address: 6530 Helena Road, Arena, WI 53503
Phone: 920-348-6700
Website: www.alsum.com
Certification Contact Manager: Seth Olson, seth.olson@alsum.com
Owner: Larry Alsum, CEO
Coloma Farms, Inc.
Address: W14453 State Road 21, PO Box 137, Coloma, WI 54930
Phone: 715-228-3031
Website: Coloma Farms, Inc. on Facebook
Certification Contact: Andy Diercks, andy.colomafarms@gmail.com
Owners: Steve & Andy Diercks
Gary Bula Farms, Inc.
Address: 535 Elk Avenue, Oxford, WI 53952; PO Box 9, Grand Marsh, WI 53936
Phone: 608-339-2083
Certification Contact: Tamra Bula-Garz, tamrabula@hotmail.com
Owners: Gary & Lynda Bula
Gumz Farms
Address: N570 6th Court, Endeavor, WI 53930
Phone: 608-981-2488
Certification Contact: Jacalynn Gumz, jacalynn@gumzfarmswi.com
Owners: Richard & Roderick Gumz
Isherwood Family Farms
Address: 6055 Isherwood Road, Plover, WI 54467
Phone: 715-344-3260
Certification Contact/Owner: Don Isherwood, justish@sbcglobal.net
Okray Produce Company
Address: 3001 River Drive, PO Box 489, Plover, WI 54467
Phone: 715-344-2526
Website: www.okray.com
Certification Contact/Owner: Jim Okray, jim@okray.com
Plover River Farms Alliance, Inc.
Address: 292 Maple Bluff Road, Stevens Point, WI 54482
Phone: 715-592-4926
Certification Contact: Daniel Schwind, ploverriverfarms@wi-net.com
Owner: Nick Somers
Schroeder Brothers Farms, Inc.
Address: N1435 County Road D, Antigo, WI 54409
Phone: 715-623-2689
Website: www.sbfi.biz
Certification Contact: Eric Schroeder, eric@sbfi.biz, JD Schroeder, jds@sbfi.biz
Owners: John, Pete, and Rob Schroeder
Sterling Farms/Seis Family Farms/Joe Seis
Address: 674 Duck Creek Ave., Grand Marsh, WI 53936
Phone: 608-403-1051
Certification Contact Manager: Dana Seis, joesterlingarms@gmail.com
Owner: Joe Seis