Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association

Potato Vouchers from July Wisconsin Potato Grower/Chef Competition

A few short months ago in July, WPVGA embarked on a new event held in conjunction with the Celebrate Plover event; namely, the Wisconsin Potato Grower/Chef Competition.

The event featured four Wisconsin potato growers each paired with a Wisconsin chef, and they were challenged to create healthy, innovative and creative potato-centric dishes in a timed setting.
The competition was a success and resulted in each grower and chef receiving a prize. One of the prizes awarded to the chefs was a Wisconsin potato voucher, with the amount corresponding to the place level they won (i.e. third place, second place, runner up and grand prize).

One of the overall goals of the competition was to create/strengthen relationships between foodservice professionals and growers and showcase the importance of buying local. As such, the purpose of these potato vouchers is to encourage chefs to purchase potatoes directly from Wisconsin growers.

Along with the voucher, WPVGA provided a Wisconsin Potato Shipping Directory (click here to view the Shipping Directory).

So, if a chef comes to you as a grower with one of these vouchers, what should you do?
• Provide the chef with the amount of potatoes that satisfies the voucher (or a portion of it if they can’t use/order everything at once).
• Keep record of the amount used and send WPVGA an invoice for the dollar amount owed, attention to Dana Rady ([email protected]).
• NOTE: The voucher amounts do not have to be used all at once, but must be used prior to June 30, 2019. Additionally, the vouchers can be used at multiple farm organizations and do not have to be used at only one organization.
• If you have questions, please contact Dana Rady at 715-623-7683 or [email protected].
Thank you for your help in supporting and promoting the Buy Local message.

WI Potato Voucher

Voucher Sample

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Volume 16, Issue 17 | April 26, 2024

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