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Vegetable Crop Update #1

Website Crop Update

A Newsletter for Commercial Potato and Vegetable Growers Prepared by the University of Wisconsin Madison Vegetable Research and Extension Specialists


Click here our first issue of the UW Madison Division of Extension Vegetable Crop Updates Newsletter for the 2024 growing season. Please also find the 2024 Potato Late Blight Fungicide Listing for Wisconsin. Please let me know if any of your colleagues need to be added to our list serve for this newsletter. Archived newsletters can be found at:

Please keep in mind that tomorrow May 20, 2024 is the deadline for WI potato producers to dispose of cull piles according to ATCP 21.15 Wis. Admin. Code. Cull piles include waste piles of harvested potatoes, seed cutting slivers and waste, storage remnants, and sweepings.

In this issue, we address:

  • 2024 Commercial Vegetable Production in Wisconsin Guide (A3422)
  • Potato and veg disease forecasting in 2024 UW Entomology, Pathology, Vegetable Disease and Insect Forecasting Network, Wisconet and other weather-based vegetable management tools
  • Seedcorn maggot, Colorado potato beetle, aphids

Amanda Gevens
Chair, Professor & Extension Specialist
Administrative Director of the Wisconsin Seed Potato Certification Program
Fritz Friday Chair for Vegetable Production Research
Plant Pathology Department
1630 Linden Drive Room
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706

Potato & Vegetable Pathology Research and Extension


Partially peeled potato in the shape of Wisconsin
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The weekly email about Wisconsin potato and vegetable news that impacts you.

Partially peeled potato in the shape of Wisconsin
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The weekly email about Wisconsin potato and vegetable news that impacts you.