Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association

Interview with Marv Hopp

Interview with Marv HoppIf you’ve been in or around the Wisconsin potato and vegetable industry for any amount of time over the past 40 years, chances are good that you know Marv Hopp.

Marv has worked at Roberts Irrigation in Stevens Point for the past 38 years, assisting countless farmers with their water and irrigation needs. He is a long-time member of the WPVGA Associate Division who has served on the Associate Division Board of Directors, including multiple terms as President. He has served the industry in many capacities during his tenure, including helping organize the annual Industry Show, working at the Hancock Field Days and coordinating numerous industry golf outings. He currently serves on the WPVGA Water Task Force where he has been a valuable asset to the agricultural industry, providing insight on a wide range of water issues.

Read more of our April 2014 interview with Marv Hopp.

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