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Late Blight detected in Presque Isle, ME

Website Crop Update

Please note the finding of late blight in Maine.



From: Ibrahim Kutay Ozturk <>
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2024 8:36:29 AM
To: Ibrahim Kutay Ozturk <>
Subject: Late Blight detected in Presque Isle, ME


On August 9, late blight was detected on a few potato plants in a commercial field in Presque Isle. We recommend 5-day spray schedule given the weather that is coming in. All growers should be utilizing full rates of protectant fungicides, consider shifting towards excellent-rated protectants. For those growers that are off-schedule, consider utilizing products containing cymoxanil, which will provide some reachback. Those nearby Presque Isle may consider utilizing antisporulants such as products containing Triphenyltin hydroxide. Due to the probability that this strain could be US-23, Ridomil applications could be beneficial. Growers should be carefully scouting fields for signs of late blight.  Strain identification is in progress.


I. Kutay Ozturk, Ph.D.
Assistant Extension Professor of Potato Pathology
University of Maine Cooperative Extension
57 Houlton Rd.
Presque Isle, ME  04769

phone: (207) 764-3361


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