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Vegetable Crop Update #1

Website Crop Update

A Newsletter for Commercial Potato and Vegetable Growers Prepared by the University of Wisconsin Madison Vegetable Research and Extension Specialists

Welcome! We’ve had a busy winter and spring and are pleased to offer another year of UW Madison Division of Extension Vegetable Crop Updates newsletters. Please note that I’ve added several calendar updates including our summer field days. Please find the following topics for this first newsletter:

-2023 Commercial Vegetable Production in Wisconsin Guide (A34220
-Potato and vegetable disease forecasting in 2023
-UW Vegetable Disease and Insect Forecasting Network
-Wisconsin Mesonet Advancement


Amanda Gevens
Chair, Professor & Extension Specialist
Interim Administrative Director of the Wisconsin Seed Potato Certification Program
Plant Pathology Department
1630 Linden Drive Room
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706

Potato & Vegetable Pathology Research and Extension


Partially peeled potato in the shape of Wisconsin
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The weekly email about Wisconsin potato and vegetable news that impacts you.

Partially peeled potato in the shape of Wisconsin
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The weekly email about Wisconsin potato and vegetable news that impacts you.