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High Capacity Well Facts

Water Level Comparisons

Potato and vegetable production is a key part of Wisconsin’s agricultural economy. Wisconsin ranks first in the nation in the production of green beans for processing, beets for canning and cabbage for kraut; we rank second in the production of carrots and peas for processing and third in the production of potatoes, sweet com and cucumbers for pickles. Specialty crop production and processing account for $6.4 billion in economic activity and 132,000 direct or indirect jobs. In 2023, Wisconsin produced over 2.8 billion pounds of potatoes valued at $400 million.

The Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) was founded in 1948 to assist WPVGA members to be successful through education, information, environmentally sound research, promotion, governmental action and involvement. Our 400+ members work together to provide the best Wisconsin potatoes and vegetables for consumers.

The members of the WPVGA are good stewards of our environment. Our members are committed to engaging in continuous improvements in agricultural environmental stewardship. We are devoted to developing science-based solutions to environmental concerns. We firmly believe that science is a critical guide to the development of effective water policy in Wisconsin.

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Partially peeled potato in the shape of Wisconsin
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Partially peeled potato in the shape of Wisconsin
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