Column and photos by Ali Carter, Wisconsin Potato Growers Auxiliary
Here at the Carter house, we have solidly settled into the fall season routines of work, school, sports and meetings. Life no longer has the easy feel of summer, and the more rigorous schedule has forced me to be a bit creative when it comes to feeding family members who often seem to be dashing in and out the door at different times.
While we focus on sitting down at the dining table as a family when we can, this is not always an option.
We occasionally have days when the best we can do is to eat in shifts. And, although I am a little bit embarrassed to admit this, we have also experienced some days where grabbing a granola bar and an apple as we head out the door constitutes that evening’s meal.
One way I am hoping to simplify our meals on those busier evenings, and to ensure that we all have access to a rounded and nutritious meal, is to do more freezer and bulk cooking.
Having a prepared meal ready and waiting to simply be warmed is such a blessing on those crazy days when, despite my best intentions, I have not found the time to make dinner or prep food for any of us.
Twice-baked potatoes have been an easy and filling go-to for us lately. Add some fruit and a simple salad, and we have ourselves a complete meal!
That’s another time saver for me and a tip I want to share with you. When I arrive home from shopping, I wash and chop my lettuce and greens and store them with a piece of paper towel in a covered glass bowl. They stay fresh for the week, and it makes tossing together a salad super easy.
But, what I think I love most about these twice-baked potatoes is that they are individually wrapped. This means that I can warm up just the right amount, depending on who is home that evening for dinner. Plus, they make a delicious, simple lunch when I am home alone in the middle of the day.