Growers report above average yields and excellent quality despite hot, dry weather
By WPVGA Executive Director Tamas Houlihan

The 2023 Wisconsin potato crop got off to a late start due to cold and wet weather in April. Planting was delayed by a week to 10 days, primarily due to cold conditions.
The month of May was the fourth driest on record in Wisconsin. Dry conditions and very warm temperatures persisted throughout the summer, although there were a few timely rainfalls.
By late July, 93% of the state was in a moderate to severe drought. With the extensive use of irrigation, however, the crop turned out very well, with above average yields and excellent quality, including large tuber size.
Disease severity values were non-existent through mid-June. Overall, pest pressure was not severe, and there was no late blight in Wisconsin in 2023.
Wisconsin had a good harvest season. Warm days and cool nights led to excellent tuber bulking conditions. The first few days of September saw hot temperatures shut down harvest, but then conditions turned ideal for the next two weeks.
Rain fell steadily from September 23-25, and high temperatures returned the first few days of October, again slowing down harvest. Much cooler temperatures arrived on October 6, with highs in the 50s, and ideal harvest conditions followed for the next week to 10 days.