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68th Annual WPVGA Industry Show Lives up to Stellar Reputation

2017 UW Extension & WPVGA Grower Education Conference well attended and information packed

By Joe Kertzman, Managing Editor

Steve Rosenthal and Adam Bula
Exhibitor Steve Rosenthal (left) of TH Agri-Chemicals, Inc. mans the booth and chats with seed potato grower Adam Bula (right) during the 2017 Industry Show.

Just driving up to the 2017 Grower Education Conference & Industry Show, February 7-9 in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, was impressive, with trucks, tractors, harvesters and implements lined up in the parking lot for visitors to view and even kick some tires if they had the urge.

The Industry Show marked its 68th successful year, with exhibitors and industry attendees not only packing the show hall, but spilling out into hallways in front of the main exhibit area and adjacent to the Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) registration booth.

Familiar faces and strangers alike caught up on business and personal lives while booth holders showed off their newest products, innovations and services. Technology in farming is nothing new, but the electronic, driverless, drone and data services are, and they were all showcased at the show.

The University of Wisconsin Extension did its part, hosting a slew of sessions and presentations as part of the Grower Education Conference, which kicked off Tuesday, February 7, with opening remarks by WPVGA Executive Director Tamas Houlihan.

Water use and conservation and groundwater issues were hot button topics, as were potato viruses, remote sensing, pesticides, managing soil microbiomes, reducing phosphorous runoff, nutrient management, nitrogen fertilizer recommendations, potato breeding and genetics, conservation, produce safety, seed handling, weed management and much more.

Click here to read the full Badger Common’Tater article. 

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