Roasted Rosemary Potato Salad with Berries
by Ali Carter, WPVGA Auxiliary Member
My family and I were recently invited to the home of friends for a cookout. When we inquired about what we could contribute to the meal, they of course asked that we bring the potatoes. This is always exciting for me as I take it as an excuse to get extra creative and use my friends as taste-testers for new recipes.
Sometimes this goes badly and my poor friends are left less than dazzled by the culinary experiments that I come traipsing into their homes with. And other times we come up with something delicious!
For this particular cookout I knew that I wanted to bring a salad, and I really wanted to use some pretty summer berries.
While sitting in the living room with pen and paper in hand, thinking up just how I might pull these flavors together, I announced to my husband and daughter that I was going to create a rosemary roasted potato salad with strawberries and blueberries, and a balsamic reduction drizzled over it all. My daughter wrinkled up her nose, and my husband didn’t hesitate even a moment before saying, “No. Uh uh.”
The looks of horror they gave me actually had me feeling just a tad insulted and for the briefest of seconds I hesitated. Was my recipe idea really that awful?