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Houlihan Receives Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture Award

WPVGA Executive Director honored for commitment to progress and success of agribusiness industry

By Joe Kertzman, managing editor, Badger Common’Tater

On March 4, Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) Executive Director Tamas Houlihan received the Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture Award from the Portage County Business Council during its annual American Agriculture Appreciation Banquet.

Each year, the Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture Award is presented to a deserving individual for commitment to the progress and success of the agribusiness industry, and for significant contributions to the agribusiness community.

Held at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center, in Stevens Point, the American Ag Appreciation Banquet is the premier Portage County event honoring agriculture and agri-businesses, 4-H leaders and youth, and FFA high school seniors.

This year’s banquet was sponsored by Del Monte Foods, the Food + Farm Exploration Center, Team Schierl Companies, and the WPVGA.

Following a social hour, Portage County Business Council President and Chief Executive Officer Michael Witte welcomed guests to the banquet and gave an invocation before dinner.

The master of ceremonies, Portage County Ag Agent Ken Schroeder, introduced this year’s keynote speaker, Tony Schultz, owner of Stoney Acres Farm, in Athens, Wisconsin.

Tony’s presentation, “Diversity and Sustainability: Serving the Legacy of Farming in Wisconsin,” delved into farmers being jacks of all trades, the meaning of community-supported agriculture, buying local, crop and livestock diversification, organic farming, and his pride in owning a family farm.

Click here to read the full Badger Common’Tater article. 

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