They had me hook, line and sinker. Chris Brooks and his business partner, Bruce Woyak, who together own Central Door Solutions in Plover, had installed some large doors in a new equipment storage building for Worzella & Sons, Inc., in Plover, Wisconsin.
We went there to take some pictures of the new building, of a potato storage building next door and the surrounding potato fields. While there, I asked Chris and Bruce how they got into the overhead door business.
Chris looked at Bruce, and said, “Well, Bruce, do you want to tell him your story?” Without batting an eyelash, Bruce explained, “When I was 14 years old in school, the teacher asked us what we wanted to do for a living when we got older. I said I wanted to be an overhead door salesman.”
I replied, “Wow, that’s amazing.” And then I realized they were “yanking my chain,” as they say in the overhead door business (maybe—I’m not really sure if they say that in the overhead door business). Chris asked, “Who wants to be an overhead door salesman when they get older?”
OK, so they had me, but I interviewed Chris about his efforts and initiatives as chairman of the Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association Promotions Committee, as well as his association with potato and vegetable growers through Central Door Solutions. In other words, I forgave him.