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Interview with Dale Warner

Dale Warner

By Joe Kertzman, managing editor, Badger Common’Tater

Dale Warner
Dale Warner

The Warner family has invested 50 years and multiple generations delivering packaging across the nation. Beginning as a regional supplier to the agriculture industry in Central Wisconsin, Warner & Warner, Inc. has grown to serve all major markets across the United States.

The core business provides packaging to the food industry, so Warner & Warner’s priority is always food safety, but the family-run business is also committed to using the least amount of packaging possible to minimize impact on the environment.

Dale Warner, president and chief executive officer of Warner & Warner, Inc., of Plover, Wisconsin, says his father, Jay, and brother, Jay Jr., incorporated Warner & Warner in August 1989.

“After college, my dad, Jay, went to work for Bemis Bag Company, based out of Massachusetts,” Dale says. “He started working the plant floor, then customer service and eventually sales.”

“He traveled to various agricultural centers around the United States selling paper produce and dairy bags,” Dale relates.

“What he learned about paper packaging in those early years became the foundation for Warner & Warner, Inc.,” he explains.

Click here to read the full Badger Common’Tater article.

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