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Interview with Deana Knuteson

Deana Knuteson

By Joe Kertzman, managing editor, Badger Common’Tater

The Healthy Grown program gives potato and vegetable farmers the ability to promote agricultural best practices and position themselves to capture an expanding consumer demand for sustainable options in the marketplace.

As requirements for sustainability in the agriculture industry become more evident in the marketplace, and as more complex data is collected on farms, it’s important for growers to understand these trends so they can be prepared and proactive.

That’s just one area where Deana Knuteson, Wisconsin Healthy Grown program coordinator, has been a tremendous help.

Coordinating the Healthy Grown program, Knuteson, a University of Wisconsin-Madison researcher and outreach specialist, has demonstrated how on-farm data can be used to document and improve production practices, as well as for promotional purposes to show farm advances.

As part of her research responsibilities, Knuteson provides technical information on biointensive integrated pest management (IPM), sustainability production practices, and educational activities for Wisconsin potato, vegetable, and cash grain growers.

She works with the growers and supply chain representatives on large-scale agricultural sustainability initiatives, and facilitates grower-to-grower, processor, and industry educational functions.

The Wisconsin Healthy Grown program works to advance growers’ use of biointensive IPM, efficiently manage inputs, and enhance ecosystem conservation efforts by certifying under the “Healthy Grown” potato, onion, and carrot standards.

Healthy Grown high-bar standards promote agricultural sustainability and enhance environmental farming systems and put Wisconsin growers in a position to capture the expanding consumer demand for sustainable options in the marketplace.

Click here to read the full Badger Common’Tater article.

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