“My family is and always has been very important in helping me be successful,” says Jim Hoffa, location manager for Crop Production Services

(CPS) in Plainfield, Wisconsin.
“There are a lot of long days, early mornings, late nights and weekends required in this industry, and I’m fortunate to have the flexibility I do in my position,” he adds. “But inevitably family time is sacrificed or sporting events missed. It is the nature of the business.”
“My wife, Jacki, has always been very understanding and supportive of what I do, and my kids often ask to join me on some of those Sunday calls or late evening runs to keep a planter or sprayer moving in the field,” Hoffa relates. “It’s pretty amazing to have that kind of support and interest from them.”
Crop Production Services was established in 1983, but predecessor companies include Western Farm Service, Royster Clark and United Agri Products (UAP).
Hoffa came from the United Agri Products side of the business before the company was purchased by Agrium and later became known as Crop Production Services.
“Before the company became UAP, I began my career working for Cole Grower Service in the same office that we currently operate out of in Plainfield,” Hoffa says.