New WPVGA Board of Directors Named
Rod Gumz, Gumz Muck Farms LLC., and Wes Meddaugh, Heartland Farms, Inc., were elected to serve three-year terms to fill two vacated WPVGA Board of Directors seats starting in February 2016.
Gumz and Meddaugh will replace Larry Alsum, Alsum Farms & Produce, Friesland and Jeremie Pavelski, Heartland Farms, Inc., Hancock, both in District 3, both of whom have completed six years on the board and were therefore, not eligible for re-election since directors are limited to two consecutive three-year terms.
Alsum and Pavelski were key directors who played important and vital roles in helping build WPVGA to its current position of strength and integrity in the midst of many WPVGA and Wisconsin agricultural world changes and challenges.
WPVGA Board Vice President Mark Finnessy, Okray Family Farms, Inc., Plover, District 2; and Treasurer Josh Mattek, J.W. Mattek & Sons, Inc., Deerbrook, District 1, who both completed their first terms, were re-elected to the Board.
The new 2016 WPVGA Board now consists of President Mark Finnessy, Okray Family Farms, Inc.; Treasurer Josh Mattek, J.W. Mattek & Sons, Inc.; Secretary Gary Wysocki, Wysocki Family of Companies; Vice President Eric Schroeder, Schroeder Bros. Farms, Inc. and Board members Andy Wallendal, Wallendal Supply Inc.; Steve Diercks, Coloma Farms Inc.; Rod Gumz, Gumz Muck Farms LLC.; Wes Meddaugh, Heartland Farms, Inc. and Ron Krueger, Eagle River Seed Farm, LLC.
The board will be moving ahead with several focuses: legislation for high capacity well concerns including transfer of ownership, repair, replacement, reconstruction or new well construction; Little Plover River Conservancy Project; financial assistance for UW research scientists; addressing the EPA’s restrictive Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, Ag work force needs and much more.
The 2016 WPVGA Board of Directors hopes to work towards creating the best possible future for WPVGA Growers and Associate members, by helping resolve some of the current issues facing the industry as well as raising the awareness of the positive impact of agriculture on Wisconsin’s economy and overall quality of life.