Community Leadership Recognition
By Ruth Faivre

Potato and vegetable industry leader, Louis Wysocki, Secretary-Treasurer of Wysocki Farms, Inc. and time-honored supporter/member of Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA), has been selected as one of three recipients, to secure a 2016 Quality of Life Leadership Award from Saint Michael’s Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Ministry Saint Michael’s Hospital and Ministry Medical Group.
This honor is awarded annually in recognition of Portage County leaders who have made significant contributions to enhance quality of life for citizens of the surrounding region.
Louis’ award will be presented at the Annual Saint Michael’s Foundation fundraising banquet April 23, 2016, to be held in Sentryworld’s Grand Hall.
“This annual event allows our entire community to reflect on the contributions local award winners have shared with all of us,” states Angie Heuck, Saint Michael’s Foundation Director. “The evening is an opportunity to recognize the award recipients and show our gratitude for their tireless efforts towards creating a better quality of life for everyone.”