Mini Hummus Stuffed Baked Potatoes & Potato Spice Cake: a delicious way to say farewell
Column and photos by Ali Carter, Wisconsin Potato Growers Auxiliary

This will be my last submission for Ali’s Kitchen. I make this announcement with an immense amount of gratitude for the opportunity afforded me nearly 10 years ago to write the column.
I have enjoyed my time creating and sharing potato recipes with you. Thank you for welcoming me into your own kitchens and sharing feedback and ideas over the years. It’s truly been a joy!
As I say “goodbye,” I thought it would be fun to share two of my favorite recipes. Both were featured on WSAW Channel 7 years ago. The crew at the news station had wonderful things to say after sampling. Both recipes have also been made over and over in my own kitchen and never fail to receive high praise from guests and family.
I leave you with these two favorites and a much-loved quote from Virginia Wolf: “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”