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Attendance was Good for the 71st Grower Ed Conference & Industry Show

2020 Industry Show
Tim Clark of Stokes Seeds Inc., and Moriah Rataczak and Kalie Christensen of Gumz Farms

The plans and people came together for a successful exhibit of everything Wisconsin agriculture

By Joe Kertzman, managing editor, Badger Common’Tater

The well-regarded Grower Education Conference & Industry Show succeeded in its mission of shining a bright light on Wisconsin’s potato and vegetable growing industry and bringing all parties together on February 4-6, 2020, at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Stevens Point.

Booth holders reported good traffic and plenty of opportunity for networking with growers and researchers, spreading word of their companies, latest products, technologies, services and standards.

A collaborative effort between the University of Wisconsin (UW) Division of Extension and the Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA), the 71st Grower Education Conference & Industry Show provided the opportunity to conduct business, forge relationships and discuss relevant issues.

More than 400 people registered to take full advantage of researcher presentations and informative sessions on issues directly affecting agriculture during the Grower Education Conference.

In an age of email, social media and telemarking robocalls, it’s more imperative than ever to meet face-to-face with fellow growers and associated businesses and forge a path to a successful future.

The WPVGA and UW Extension take their responsibilities of putting the right people together seriously.

Growers and agriculture companies serving them have persevered and triumphed through weather events, governmental regulations, farm consolidation and public apathy to emerge stronger than ever.

Click here to read the full Badger Common’Tater article.

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