By Joe Kertzman, managing editor, Badger Common’Tater

Though Heath Anderson is only in his second year at Fairchild Equipment, he was familiar with the company “as they were a Yale dealer when I started with Crown Equipment Corporation back in 2008.”
“I handled the Green Bay market along with the Upper Peninsula [U.P.] portion of Michigan,” Anderson relates, “and Fairchild Equipment was a major presence in those markets.”
Founded in 1985, Fairchild Equipment is one of the premier materials handling, construction and agricultural equipment dealerships in the Midwest, serving Wisconsin, Minnesota, Northern Illinois, North Dakota and the U.P. of Michigan.
It has grown from a five-person operation to currently having over 300 employees, now under the leadership of Gary Fairchild’s son, Chad, who is open to the possibilities for growth and expansion while maintaining operations as a family-owned business.
Click here to read the full Badger Common’Tater article.